Errant Thoughts…

A site for me to share my thoughts, travels or whatever else might be on my mind…

Author: Dave

  • The Difference Is Zeros

    With the threat last week of a budget shutdown, I’ve been spending a good bit of time researching the federal expenditures, debt, and deficit.  I’m guessing that many find this whole matter very confusing and find themselves throwing up their hands up when the topic comes up.  I’m also guessing that most, when they hear… Read more

  • So Bad It’s Good!

    About forty years ago I was introduced to something that would become a lifelong passion: bad movies and TV shows.  Back then I was teaching in a rural high school in central Illinois.  The teachers all banded together as their own little clan to seek out diversions and entertainment.  We had weekly poker nights, attitude… Read more

  • We Must Be Better, We Must Demand Better

    I have spent the past week doing research for my next blog.  I had started to write it and here was my introduction: Since I wrote my blog on “not understanding anti-woke” I have gotten a lot of comments, both positive and negative.  I have also been directed to a variety of articles and websites… Read more

  • Let’s Be Brief

    So, FAWC, TIA for BUMPs.  I know some say they are TL;DR but TBH IDC! IMO, and FWIW, people don’t read, investigate, and think enough anymore.  People will say DBMIB, but I think they’re sleeping on them. IDC if you totes bet or not, I’m just hoping that they might get people thinking and talking.… Read more

  • The Big Lie

    As I mentioned previously, I have been tucking away notes for years on topics that I thought might be worth writing about.  I was reviewing my pile of notes today and came across one that I found frightening.  It pertains to the following quote: “…in the big lie there is always a certain force of… Read more

  • I Doughnut No How This Will End

    So, I am just not sure that the following blog is complete or really strikes the chord I was looking for.  I’d welcome any thoughts or suggestions on how to improve upon it… I Doughnut No How This Will End This morning you would have found me doing what I do virtually every morning.  I… Read more

  • I Just Don’t Understand “Anti-Woke”

    The whole Anti-Woke sentiment and movement really leaves me confused and a bit frustrated.  I have looked at numerous sources for a definition of “Woke”, including Merriam-Webster, Cambridge, Oxford, and Wikipedia, and while they may vary slightly, I think it is fair for me to define “Woke” as “an awareness and concern over social issues… Read more

  • Why Doesn’t Fred Have Batteries?

    I actually wrote this story on a typewriter about 30 years ago.  I still as relevant as it was when I first wrote it. …One bright and sunny Sunday afternoon I was doing what any red-blooded American male should be doing.  I was sitting in my easy chair dozing while the football game being broadcast… Read more

  • Ireland and Scotland

    If I were asked to pick the country I have enjoyed visiting the most I would have to say it is a tie between Ireland and Scotland.  This may be because these two countries represent over half of my ancestry, and if you add in Scandinavia, which helped populate both Ireland and Scotland, I’ve covered… Read more

  • Let the Process Run Its Course

    OK, I know that I am going to get some negative responses to this post. However, I am a firm believer in the Edmund Burke’s quote that “The only thing necessary for evil to triumph in the world is that good men do nothing.” In addition, I want to stress that I am not anti-Republican,… Read more