Errant Thoughts…

A site for me to share my thoughts, travels or whatever else might be on my mind…

Assault on My Sanctuary

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So, I don’t think that I am the only man who considers his bathroom as his sanctuary, his inner sanctum.  It’s a place where you can read, or play games on your phone, in peace.  Well, today my sanctuary was violated.  This picture give you a view of my sanctuary:

Now, let me set the scene.  I am seated, engrossed in a challenging game of Sudoku.  I glance up from my game to discover that across the floor from where I am seated there is a large wolf spider.  Now, I can deal with most things.  Snakes, blood, diapers, vomit, needles, etc. have never cause me much problem; but spiders are a different matter.  I absolutely hate spiders and insist that Kim be the resident spider hunter / killer for the household.  But here I am, all alone, confronted by a huge spider.  I stared at him, and he turned to stare at me.  It felt like a scene from an old western (cue music from “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly”) where the hero and villain come face to face for the climatic duel.

As I mentioned, I am seated and there was still paperwork to be done.  The spider was frozen in place, so I got down to business.  As I completed the paperwork and started to stand up the spider charged!!  I jumped up, with clothes still around my ankles, and proceeded to slam my head into the overhead cabinet.  I immediately saw stars and fell back upon the toilet.  Then I remembered my evil nemesis, AH, WHERE IS THE SPIDER?!  I regained my balance, jumped up and darted to the side.  Then I saw him, he was on my trousers! AAAAHHHH!  I proceeded to do an Irish jig (clothing still in disarray) and the spider leaped to the floor.  I seized my chance and proceeded to send him to spider heaven by stomping the stuffing out of him.  The battle was over, and I was deeply shaken… but victorious.

After a moment to collect myself, and finish dressing, I picked Sid the Spider up (I felt he deserved a name) with a piece of tissue and took him out to show Kim.  Woman, gaze upon this lowly beast that your heroic husband had vanquished!!  Kim seemed less than impressed but she accompanied me back to the bathroom to give Sid a burial at sea.  I said a few words and when it was all over Kim kissed the sizable bump that had formed on the top of my head.

The battle was over and the vanquished had been laid to rest.  However, for me the memory will always remain.  My inner sanctum has been violated and I will never again be able to return without a detailed inspection… before sitting down.

So long Sid!

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13 responses to “Assault on My Sanctuary”

  1. Chuck Bremer Avatar
    Chuck Bremer

    Dave, if you plan to keep a pet, the Jumping spiders are much more likeable and look like miniature jeweled tarantulas. Keep them between the screen and the window as a barrier to any fly trying to enter- like a cat to keep the mice out. But, based on your excellent blog, I’d guess this isn’t likely at your house. 😉 Another Guinness will help the bump-on-the-head.

  2. Thomas Jeffers Avatar
    Thomas Jeffers

    Thanks Dave…Pretty funny!

    …Might be time for pre-emptive action in the form of a spider/insect removal professional 😉

    1. Dave Avatar

      Thanks Tom!

  3. Mary Carnoali Avatar
    Mary Carnoali

    A nemesis has no regard for the sanctity of privacy.

    1. Dave Avatar

      Thanks Mary!

  4. Joyce Avatar

    I understand your anguish! I hate bugs of any kind and would find it very disturbing to be confronted with one in the same manner. I can only suggest that you buy a can of some kind of bug killer and keep it within reach when you are in your sanctuary!

    1. Dave Avatar

      Heck, I’m thinking of installing a flame thrower!

  5. Jeffrey McCausland Avatar
    Jeffrey McCausland

    I hope you don’t suffer PTSD as well as a concussion:)


    1. Dave Avatar

      Well, I am having flashbacks and was a bit nervous during my morning constitutional…

  6. James McCausland Avatar
    James McCausland

    That is the most dramatic Spider story I have heard! Hope your head is better. Jim

    1. Dave McCausland Avatar
      Dave McCausland

      Thanks for reading. My head is OK but I do have a beautiful knot on it.

  7. Steve Noga Avatar
    Steve Noga

    As I read your antics, my mind started picturing this in black and white with piano music going on in the background. ( Charlie Chaplin style) I almost fell on the floor laughing…

    1. Dave Avatar

      I kinda saw it playing out more like a western… but Charlie Chaplin or the Three Stooges would work as well.

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